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Data logger – DataTaker DT80W

Product code:DT80W
Price: Inquiry

The DataTaker DT80 series comprises a family of industrial data loggers, ranging from five channel data loggers to systems with hundreds of analog inputs and many digital inputs.


The DataTaker DT80 series measures and logs analog & digital data from numerous electrical sensors or analog instruments, RTDs, thermocouples, temperature sensors, strain gauges, current loops, voltages, resistance and frequencies.


DataTaker DT80 models include an Ethernet port, USB port and a built-in web server, dEX for setup and for viewing/downloading of data. In addition:


  • DT80M includes an integrated modem
  • DT80W and DT80GW include integrated WiFi


DataTaker DT80G is specifically suited to geotechnical applications such as slope stability, subsidence, dam wall monitoring, tunnel and mining excavation, ground water, tunnel wall monitoring and site assessment. DT80G supports vibrating wire sensors and other geotechnical sensors.


Other Features:


  • Analog input channels set up as binary logic level inputs.
  • Digital inputs recording ON/OFF states of contacts, or counting pulses over a desired period.
  • Alarm channels and digital outputs to raise alarms (email / SMS / physical digital outputs) or control external processes.
  • Readings may be returned directly or via internal calculations based on a single channel or multiple channels.
  • Internal memory holds ∼10 million readings.
  • Connection to the host computer via Ethernet, USB, and serial Host Port.
  • Separate USB port for USB flash drives to be used for extra storage, or automatic unloading of data from the logger.
  • Built-in battery or auxiliary battery option.
  • Most data logging configurations are easily set up using the graphical web-based dEX interface and a standard web browser.
  • For more complex configurations, a script can be developed using the logger’s own scripting language.

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